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Discussions to do with sidecars.

Moderator: Michael Vinten


Postby brian-d #43 » Mon Mar 29, 2010 1:08 pm

It has come to my attention that there are going to be some new sidecar teams coming out this season. I'd like to give them a head's up that a 2-wheel racing licence does NOT give you an automatic pass to drive or monkey on a sidecar. The VRRA policy is that anyone who holds a VRRA solo racing licence does not have to take the classroom school on friday June 4th, but they must take the skid pad portion of the school with Paul Whitaker. Anyone who DOES NOT have a current VRRA sidecar licence or recent experience with another racing organization must take the FULL school including the morning class session AND the skid pad sessions.
ALSO, being qualified as a sidecar passenger does NOT qualify you to drive a sidecar NOR vise-versa.

If anyone has any other questions regarding this policy, you can ask questions through this thread or call me at 514-354-9949 in the evening.

Thank you,

Brian D. #43
Competition Coordinator
If you're not having fun, why bother!!
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