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Pro - Photography - VRRA-N-Bay-Mosport-Shannonville- Events

A place to post links to sites that you may have your pictures posted. These sites seem to be very popular right now

Moderator: Michael Vinten

Pro - Photography - VRRA-N-Bay-Mosport-Shannonville- Events

Postby Bill Murphy » Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:47 am

Hello Evryone: My Name is Bill and I was "Cohearsed" into comming up to Photograph the "Romp" by Jody and Marc,,lol Just kidding. After meeting these fine Gents at Mosport,while covering that event i was invited to the Romp, to capture their unique vintage motorcyle racing event involving parts of the local airport , which made for an exciting atmosphere unlike some European style tracks and Canadian circuits that have fell by the wayside. Gimli Manitoba for example was a National circuit Track in the early 80's also built on an airport facility & has been resurected for a Regional road race circuit and Drag strip again in the last few years.
Anyways I met so many but not all of the 97 estimated enterd racers & their signifacant others and friends making for a great social weekend as well.I didn't get much sleep, but what i did get was some great photo's of the Top Notch Racing that was displayed by the many talented riders on their beautifull Vintage Machines.I have got many orders,so for Low Res samples, or to order yours- Email me at / or - or- 705-778-1368 for details. Thanx for the Super Weekend All, & hope to see you all soon. Thanks Jody & Marc for the cohearsment lol.

Bill Murphy. :D
Hi Im an Ex VRRA Racer from 1990,who finds now that Photgraphing all types of Racing is a very satisfying Venture. Im also a Pro Musican & have been playing Drums since grade school,,,Many Moons ago.
Bill Murphy
Posts: 65
Joined: Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:44 am
Location: Havelock Ontario.

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