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" Quebec GP - Race Photos - by Bill Murphy "

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" Quebec GP - Race Photos - by Bill Murphy "

Postby Bill Murphy » Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:26 am

Bonjour,Hello everyone. I wish to thank all the Quebec Racers friends & Organizers for Hosting such a Great Event this weekend, It was very enjoyable for My first trip to ST. Eustache.
The rainy weather did little to deter the happy atmosphere over the weekend & some fantastic racing brought the 2012 VRRA season to a close on very a positive note .
As always I am at the events as a Photographer & was happy to be able to stay and camp this year as previously my health did not allow much more then the time i took pictures or the travel to get their both which have improved greatly. I am currently burning the midnight oil Down loading the weekends many pictures for editing ,and will post some samples shortly to my "MSN Sky Drive Site" . Please see the Link below and by all means go check out the previous event samples from the 2 Shannonville - & - CTMP-Mosport Events.
I should have Pix of everyone this weekend so please contact me anytime with your picture inquires past or present.
As mentioned before besides the Racers Personal Picture disc's i am putting together the " 2012 VRRA-Season in Review Disc " and it should be ready shortly along with previous years back to 2009 if so desired. These retrospect compilations contain a few pictures of each racer from all 4 events from the seasons racing including the event/track/Pit and location etc to make it a great collection to own for years to come or a great gift for friends and family to show where you were you and what you were doing on these weekends.PS, they make great bench racing sessions happen out in the Garage too lol.

Please contact me at or 705-778-1368 for any picture inquiries.

I hope to see you all next year and possibly at the "AGM"
and again Thank you all for your past and continued support.

Bill Murphy. Also, Please advise me if you have any problem with the link.
Hi Im an Ex VRRA Racer from 1990,who finds now that Photgraphing all types of Racing is a very satisfying Venture. Im also a Pro Musican & have been playing Drums since grade school,,,Many Moons ago.
Bill Murphy
Posts: 65
Joined: Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:44 am
Location: Havelock Ontario.

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