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Covid protocols

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Covid protocols

Postby Laura » Sun Aug 02, 2020 1:11 pm

All procedures are designed to minimize contact and maintain the standard 2 metre distance, and are subject to change in these amorphous times.

Pre Registration
1. Sign up on Series Tracker as usual.

1. Line up 2 metres apart at the windows in the white shack by the gate.
2. Bring a pen to sign the waiver.
3. At track registration fees can be paid electronically or with exact cash.
4. Sanitizer available for use before and after visiting window.
5. Volunteers sign waiver here as well.

1. Tech inspection area will be marked off to indicate a safe distance.
2. Tech form for each bike must be completed prior to inspection.
3. Tech waiting line will be single file, 2 m apart.
4. Riders will demonstrate front and rear brakes when called forward for inspection, along with lock to lock of steering, and the throttle return is free.
5. Roll bike into wheel chock or place it on your stand. Stand back as inspector completes inspection.
6. Tech form signed off and fork band applied, if bike is accepted.
7. Bike removed from inspection area.
8. Helmets held up for visual inspection of exterior. Riders to record the date of manufacture and applicable standard on tech form and initial that the information is correct.

1. $40 per person per weekend, $15 per day, Fri-Sun.
2. Different coloured bands for racers, crew, volunteers, race school, Fri, Sat, Sun.
3. Please bring exact change.
4. Mask and sanitizer for gate staff, sanitizer available for entrants.

Riders’ Meeting
1. PA used by one person, while riders sit in stands, appropriately distanced.
2. Copies of salient points posted on grid board and washrooms.

1. Radios sanitized upon arrival and nightly when returned for charging.

Pit Out
1. One line in hot pit.
2. Racers to tip head back to show helmet strap.
3. Sanitizer available, masks worn by workers.

Pit In
1. Single file, stop for oil checks.
2. Sanitizer available, masks worn by workers.

Bike Pick Up
1. Workers to wear masks and gloves, sanitizer in truck.
2. Stranded racers to ride back in truck bed or trailer, helmets on.
3. Racers keep a mask in pocket in race suits.

Control Tower
1. Jacqui and Chris in tower, with sanitizer and masks available for when people enter the tower.
2. Anyone entering the tower requires a mask, maintains distance.
3. Items for Jacqui and Chris to be placed on counter.

Showers, Washrooms - track responsibility

Camping Set Up
1. Keep your tent or RV at least 3 giant steps away from nearest neighbour.
2. Limit visits.

1. Provided with gloves, sanitizer stations.
2. Bag lunches provided. Volunteers must pre-register for lunch with the Volunteer Coordinator.

1. Wear a mask when ordering, debit if possible.

1. No awards ceremony.

1. Pre-orders available for shirts. More info coming.

1. Wash well and often.
2. Stay home, even if you just think you feel unwell.
3. No hugs. Bowing affectionately is an acceptable substitute, as is vigorous waving.
4. Masks on when in close proximity to others (checking the grid sheets, ordering at the restaurant, tech, meetings) or when indoors. Yes, the washrooms count as indoors.
5. Limit visits to gatherings of 10 or less, appropriately distanced. BYOB.
6. Bring your own masks, gloves, wipes, cleaning supplies, food and beverages.
7. Limit trips into town.
Posts: 637
Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:17 pm
Location: North Bay

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