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93 gsxr 750

Moderator: Michael Vinten

93 gsxr 750

Postby Reknelb » Mon Sep 07, 2015 2:08 pm

Ive got a 93 gsxr750 with an rf900 engine. (936cc)
Just built this over the winter, runs extremely well, 133hp on the dyno. Rf engine with the 750 head, cams, 38mm carbs. Dynatec 2000 ign system and coils, d and d full exhaust, ported head with +1mm intake valves, slotted cam sprockets, stage 3 jetkit, steel braided front brake lines, new rotors front and back, race tech springs in forks, 07 gsxr 750 shock, chain + sprockets and tires were new 1500 miles ago. Bike had 14k miles when i did the swap, now has 15600 miles. Rf engine had 15k before swap. I still have the rest of the 750 engine, and the rf head.

Id like to get around $3000 US for the bike, but i would consider trades for a race bike. Prefer something like a lightweight twin or lightweight superbike. Image
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