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ChampionshipStandings after 3 rounds.

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ChampionshipStandings after 3 rounds.

Postby Percy W » Tue Aug 23, 2016 9:50 pm

Here are the championship standings after the CTMP event.

Pre 72.
1. Geesixers....................366.6
2. Andrew McCracken.......235.36
3. James Reidy.................55.4

1. Mountain High Racing....321.9
2. Ron Hanley...................182
3. Triple Trouble................144

1. Spank Racing.................662.10
2. Big for Japan..................643.32
3. Joe Bar..........................594.44
4. Real McCoy Racing..........589.14
5. Half Fast Racing..............570.34
6. Junkyard Dog Racing.......440.91
7. Almost Ready Racers.......417.89
8. Huw Gwilliam.................254.11
9. Lucas Gwilliam...............234.15
10. Bad to the Bone........... 221.72
11. Woody's Cycles Racing...211.91
12. Craig Goodwin..............205.76
13. Kirsten Illg...................201.81
14. Jennifer Carriere...........182.02
15. Garth Webb..................179.2
16. BRS.............................152
17. Justin McLoughlin...........94.97
18. Jason Hallam.................83.1

1. Pretty Boys....................671.19
2. Spare Change................545.79
3. Team Euro Classic...........412.48
4. Katanick Racing..............217.64
5. Steven Smart.................201.81
6. Strange Relics.................138.5
7. Le Tigre Volinti.................16

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Percy W
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Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:49 pm

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