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Endurance Practice Transponder Requirement

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2024 8:57 am
by Responsible
Hi All

I went to renew the subscription to my transponder and discovered it is now about $170 CDN for a year(!) I am only planning to do a few 'Tag team' endurance events this year and as such would only need my own transponder if it is required for Friday Practice. Is a transponder strictly required if I am not doing sprints?

I would rather spend that money on a tire...or some fuel....or a trackday.


Re: Endurance Practice Transponder Requirement

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2024 7:19 pm
by Timothy Sauder
Transponder rental is $75 per event from the VRRA.
So $170 for the year is a notable savings.
Yes, we require transponders during practice.
If you are in the endurance just use the Tag Team transponder when you go out.

Competition Coordinator