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1989 Yamaha TZ250W for sale

Moderator: Michael Vinten

1989 Yamaha TZ250W for sale

Postby Peter Balfour » Tue Jun 26, 2018 11:33 am

I never thought this day would come but I'm considering selling my beloved 1989 Yamaha TZ250W reverse cylinder GP bike. Many in the club know this bike and its excellent condition. The bike is in good operational condition and has been well maintained. Currently the crank is about half time, top end has one weekend on it. It's been raced in the club for the last 8 years and is currently ready to go. Has placed on the podium many times and series winner so competitive in Vintage GP middleweight.

The sale would also include some spares including:

-1 set pistons
-assorted seals and gaskets
-some bearings
-2 sets good used pistons
-some cables
-1-used crank, needs rebuild
-1- cylinder, needs to be repaired
-1-cylinder head, needs repair
-couple sets of spark plugs
-tire warmers
-1 sealed can of C12
- equipped with Ohlin rear shock
-new fork springs installed for rider 195 lbs
-spare set front fork springs for heavier than 195 lbs
-and stuff I can't remember

Please email me for more information, pictures and asking price @ peterbalfour at rocketmail dot com. Serious inquires only.

'71 BSA B50 P1-500
‘84 Yamaha FJ600
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Peter Balfour
Tech Committee
Posts: 1848
Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2005 9:30 am
Location: Mitchell, Ontario

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