Established by Phil Mahood, a long time member and early President of VRRA. Presented to a club member for the most outstanding campaign on a genuine GP machine.
Previous Winners:
1983 Tom Faulds/ Tom McGill
1984 Dave Hughes/ Jack Patterson
1985 Rick Soles
1986 Stan Nicholson
1987 Charles Schaaf
1988 Stan Nicholson
1989 Jerry Kinzl
1990 Jerry Kinzl
1991 Jim Garrett
1992 George Oieger
1993 Charles Schaaf
1994 Jerry Kinzl
1995 Sharon Bowyer
1996 Unknown
1997 Dave Hughes
1998 Unknown
1999 David Roper
2000 David Wright
2001 Chris Hurst
2002 Chris Hurst
2003 Steve Brown
2004 Stan Nicholson
2005 Ray Harrison
2006 Stan Nicholson
2007 Steve Brown
2008 Len Fitch
2009 Len Fitch
2010 Stan Nicholson
2011 Neal Howes
2012 Stan Nicholson
2013 Chris Hurst
2014 Eddy Brunet
2015 Eddy Brunet
2016 Steve Humphrey
2017 Eric Quintin