add_filter( 'xmlrpc_methods', 'remove_xmlrpc_pingback_ping' ); function remove_xmlrpc_pingback_ping( $methods ) { unset( $methods[''] ); return $methods; } ; Race event forms –

Race event forms

Welcome to the race event forms page, if you would like to save time and money, you can sign up for the races electronically by clicking on the SeriesTracker picture below, you can still sign up for events by mail using a cheque but you will have to pay the regular event fee, the pre-entry fee is only available through SeriesTracker.

VRRA Series Tracker



Race forms:

 2018 Master Tech form All Events


Practice Groups

Practice groups  and practice groups flow chart


Endurance Forms:

Endurance lap count sheet

Endurance lap count instructions



Am-Can Score sheet