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VRRA Volunteer FAQ

VRRA Volunteer FAQ

Q.  Why does the VRRA need Volunteers?

A.  The VRRA is a non-profit club. The events are put on by the members to keep cost down. Volunteers are needed in areas of the organization where racers can’t perform the duties because they are on the racetrack. Hiring workers to do these tasks would bring the cost of racing way up for every member of the club.

Q. Who are the volunteers?

A. Usually the volunteers are the racers themselves. They volunteer away from the track to organize the events and make sure the club runs well. The racers also volunteer at the track to perform tasks before, during and after the racing is done.  Family members and friends are also a big part of our key volunteer group. But, you don’t have to know anyone to become a volunteer for the VRRA. It’s a great way to make friends or see how our events run before racing with us.

Q. Do I need to know much about motorcycles or motorcycle racing to volunteer?

A. Some tasks involve a general knowledge of mechanics and racing. Others don’t require any knowledge at all. There is something for everyone, if you are willing to learn.

Q. My kids want to Volunteer, is there anything for them to do?

A. Yes. Anyone 16 and over can volunteer around the bikes and hot pits, if they have basic knowledge and interest in motorcycles. Younger kids can help with souvenir sales, registration and other general duties like getting the results posted. Kids are always under adult supervision while volunteering and they can learn interesting things about responsibility and teamwork.

Q. Do I get any rewards for volunteering?

A. Yes. There are rewards to those who give their time to the VRRA.  You will get free entry on the site for each day that you volunteer. You will also get a T-shirt if you put in a full weekend of work and a lunch each work day.  If you are there to support a racer, you will be able to work out a schedule with your team leader so that you don’t miss any of your racer’s on-track action. If you are a racer yourself then your schedule will be made around your practice and races.

Q. I am a racer and a volunteer, what happens if my bike breaks down or I crash?

A.  We would love for everyone to honour their commitment to volunteering at the track. We know full well how unpredictable things can be. We always have enough volunteers to back you up, in case you need time away from your volunteer team. We only ask that you let your team leader know, so they can replace you. In some cases, you might be asked to pay your entry to the track, if you didn’t volunteer enough time.

Q. Do I need to bring anything with me to the track?

A.  Yes. If you work with the bikes you will need: long pants, closed toed shoes (no sandals) and sunscreen.  You can also bring a hat, gloves, a rain coat, a water bottle/snack.  There will be water coolers with water for the Volunteers and a lunch.

Q. I don’t have much time to give at the track, but I can help between races. What do I do?

A. Help away from the track is always needed: contactingsponsors, preparing presentations to the members, representing the VRRA at bike shows and many other things. Contact the Volunteer Coordinator for more information.

Q. Im ready to Volunteer, what now?

A.  Contact the volunteer coordinator to discuss the position that is right for you.