add_filter( 'xmlrpc_methods', 'remove_xmlrpc_pingback_ping' ); function remove_xmlrpc_pingback_ping( $methods ) { unset( $methods[''] ); return $methods; } ; Period 4 Formula 2 Trophy –

Period 4 Formula 2 Trophy


Presented by Ray and Jim’s Trophies, Belleville. Awarded to the series winner of the P4 F2 class.

Previous Winners:

2004 George Osmond
2005 Bill Hornblower
2006 John Crossley
2007 Alan Robb
2008 Charles Grant
2009 John Galloway
2010 Jody Pearce
2011 Craig Goodwin
2012 Jamie Barkley
2013 Chris Hurst
2014 Louie Raffa
2015 Louie Raffa
2016 Daniel Rinfret
2017 Eddy Brunnet