add_filter( 'xmlrpc_methods', 'remove_xmlrpc_pingback_ping' ); function remove_xmlrpc_pingback_ping( $methods ) { unset( $methods[''] ); return $methods; } ; The Hodgson Cup –

The Hodgson Cup


Presented by Bar Hodgson Productions to the winner of the P3 H/WT class at the annual VRRA Vintage Festival.

Previous Winners:


1997 Toivo Madrus
1998 Rick Patrolia
1999 Greg Cox
2000 Fergus Warwick
2001 Ken Livingston
2002 Peter Derry
2003 Ken Livingston
2004 Fergus Warwick
2005 Peter Derry
2006 Fergus Warwick
2007 Brian Henderson
2008 Fergus Warwick
2009 Dave Crussell
2010 Dave Crussell
2011 Jeff Peters
2012 Jeff Peters
2013 Tim Ruhl
2014 Tim Ruhl
2015 Tim Ruhl
2016 Tim Ruhl
2017 Dave Crussell

2018 Mike MacNeil